The Bedpan Confessionals 2015


2015 Nurse Authors

 The Bedpan Confessionals features experienced nurse writers alongside nurses who have never written about their work before. Together, writers collaboratively edit and coach each other to prepare for the event. Writers are selected based on recommendations from the founders of the Center for Health, Media & Policy, and by nomination from Hunter Narrative Writing for Health Care Professional program professors.

 Amanda Anderson RN, BSN, CCRN, the event’s curator and host, is an intensive care nurse who works in nursing administration for Mount Sinai. She directs a writing center that’s part of the Nurses Writing Project, and is the managing editor for HealthCetera, the blog of the Center for Health, Media and Policy. Her passion is to help nurses write confidently, and her work HealthCetera, AJN Off the Charts, Pulse, and Scrubs. Amanda bikes everywhere, and sometimes, she dreams of a career in flower arranging.

 Roma Arellano RN, BSN, CCRN, is an experienced intensive care nurse and nurse advocate. She works at New York Presbyterian Hospital, where she leads a mentorship project that helps to increase the safety of new nurses entering night shift work. Roma has always used writing to stay in touch with the delicate balance of life as a nurse. She is always adventuring to interesting places like Cuba, and laughing is her favorite pastime.

 Kenya V. Beard EdD, GNP-BC, NP-C, ACNP-BC, CNE, is the Associate VP for Curriculum and Instruction at Jersey College, and an award-winning nurse and scholar, credited with founding the Center for Multicultural Education and Health Disparities, and with a body of research focused on strengthening academia to prepare a diverse workforce of nurses. In addition to practicing as a nurse practitioner, Kenya writes prolifically, speaks internationally, produces radio in New York City, and holds distinguished positions on many boards, including the American Journal of Nursing, and the New York Academy of Medicine. Dr. Beard only sleeps once a week.

 Amy Berman RN, BS, is a senior program officer at the John A. Hartford Foundation who has shared her story of being a nurse, and a person living well with cancer, around the globe. She is a nationally-recognized advocate for palliative care, and publicly shares her mission – to ensure that people get to choose the care they want – via The New York Times, Health Affairs, The Washington Post, and National Public Radio and on the blog Health AGEnda. When she’s not out slaying dragons, she loves to play with her daughter Stephanie, and her puppy, Lola.

 Edie Brous Esq., RN, is a Nurse Attorney in private practice in New York City where she is considered an industry expert in professional licensure representation, medical malpractice defense, and nursing advocacy. In addition to practicing major litigation in health systems, Edie has extensive clinical experience as a critical care nurse. She teaches at Columbia University, writes and publishes quite a bit, and avidly bakes and loves to sew.

 Jennifer Brown RN, is a radiation oncology nurse and graduate student at Hunter-Bellevue School of Nursing in New York City. She is a nurse writing mentor for the HBSON E-Writing Center of the Nurses Writing Project, and is passionate about the personal narrative she often sees within healing. Jennifer makes her own spices & writes a haiku every day.

 Leelee Milner RN, PMHNP, is a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner at SohoMD and a Faculty Associate at NYU’s College of Nursing. Leelee’s passion in life is self-care, both practicing it herself and teaching it to others. She spends her free time doing her own self-care through gardening, walking her dogs, riding horses, and fly fishing.

 Cerasela Shiiba RN, is a nurse manager at Saint Vincent’s Hospital in Westchester, and a public health graduate student. After a childhood in Romania, she became passionate about community health and advocacy for vulnerable populations, which she focuses on in her work and writing. Cerasela loves coming across especially creative nurses, and spends her free time with art and poems.

 Alyson Yanofsky RN, is a hospice nurse who currently works for Metropolitan Jewish Health System Hospice starting hospice care for new patients. She keeps busy in New York studying for her nurse practitioner degree while working…but with any time off, Alyson hops on a flight to travel the world.

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